Tag Archives: russia

It Was Her Dream To Be An Astronaut

Valentina Tereshkova was born in Russia on 6th March, 1937.
Her father was a driver and her mother was a factory worker.
Valentina was a worker in a factory, too.
Her hobby was sky diving and it was her dream to be an astronaut and to go into space.

In 1962, there was a big competition to find new astronauts.
There were 400 people interested in going to space.
The training programs wasn’t very easy, but Tereshkova was hard working. She was the lucky one. Tereshkova’s big day was 16th June, 1963, and she was ready.

The name of her spacecraft was Vostok 6, and Tereshkova was the first women in space.
The flight was very difficult because there were many technical problems and Tereshkova wasn’t very well for most of the flight.
She was in space for three days. She is the only woman to do a solo space flight. After that she was very famous all over the world. Her face was on stamps in several countries.

In the year 2000, there was a big celebration in London and Valentina Tereshkova was named the “Woman of the Country”.

At the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Russia in 2014, Valentina Tereshkova was one of the carries of the Olympic flag.

These moments were very important to her.